Our last post for Pokémon Month on GeekyKool 2024. 🙂 Another Pokémon gimmick that appeared in generation 8, Sword and Shield, was called gigantamax. The fields in the Galar region
Category: Pokemon
My Favorite Gym Leaders/Elite Four/Champion for Each Type:
Pokémon Month 2024 post 2 is here! Pokémon are categorized by their type(s,) being elemental or what they can control around them or their anatomical attributes (what they physically are
Top 10 Pokemon Regional Variants Forms:
It’s July so that means Pokemon Month for Morgan on GeekyKool has begun! ^_^ Pokémon has been a beloved franchise to me and millions of others for over 25 years
Detective Pikachu Returns for the Switch Game Review
Be prepared for a second round of…a bolt of brilliance! The surprise sequel to the 2016 (2018 United States release) Nintendo 3DS game is now available on the Switch since late
Pokemon My Husband Likes (His Birthday Special Post:)
My hubby turned 36 on the 5th of this month! ^_^ We both have a deep mutual love for Pokemon. For his special list this year for my partner in
Top 12 Favorite Features in Pokémon Games:
Pokemon has been around for a quarter of a century now. The games are formulaic at this point, which makes them easy to pick up for new fans, but also
Top 10 Frustrating or Confusing Things (to me) about Pokémon games!
For our second Pokemon post for my GeekyKool Pokemon post #2. I love Pokemon as a franchise and the games were my first handheld (Yellow.) But, when you are a
Top 12 Favorite Purple Pokemon:
IT’S POKEMON POST MONTH FOR ME ON GEEKYKOOL! ^_^ This is my third July doing this. Pokemon has had a special place in my heart since I was ten, giving
Ranking of “Pokemon’s” Villain Teams, by me!
What’s so great about child cartoons/animes? Other than the whimsy, the animation, the fun simplicity, the characters that leave an impression in your mind? I believe it’s the formula-following format.
My Psychic Elite Four Team by Generation:
If anyone remotely knows me, one of my favorite nerdy ways of life is “Pokemon!” Has been since it first came to the USA over 20 years ago. Friendship. Personal
My Cosplays Highlight:
I have always loved dressing up since I was a little girl. Typical Disney princess dresses in the Play Room I shared with my brother. Halloween was always a yearly
My Eight Pokemon Dream Teams (One Per Generation):
To round off our Pokemon month, let us get back to the heart of Pokemon. That, of course, is friendship and the bonds you form with these creatures you befriend
Most Influential Women in “Pokemon:”
“We all live in a Pokemon World.” These lyrics from the second series theme song really do encompass the franchise as a whole. That is one of the many things
Pokemon Snap (2021) Game Review:
Since I am going back to school, I wanted this month’s posts I do on here to be about a franchise that has made my life so much better since
New “Pokemon Snap” 2021 Remake Trailer Revealed!
Pokemon nerds, rejoice! A new trailer for the highly anticipated “Pokemon Snap” 2021 remake for the Switch was uploaded today! As a Pokemon Master myself, I am pumped to relive