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Web Series: Geeks and Gamers Anonymous

“Action Flick Chick” Katrina Hill is a geek girl that I regularly follow on Twitter @ActionChick.   You can also check out her website Action Flick Chick. She has created a Kickstarter for a new Web Series: Geeks and Gamers Anonymous.  They have finished season one but needs some assistance in paying for the editing.  Check out the below video about the project.

Here is the video for Episode One of Geeks and Gamers Anonymous.  CATION: The below video does have some cursing and does have some suggestive language.  It is not appropriate for all ages.  

It does look like a fun series.  Anyone who has ever been a Game Master for a role playing game will relate to the video.  I can’t wait for the whole season.  If you enjoyed this, please consider donating to the Kickstarter.

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