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Google Starts to Break from Google+ Profiles

old gplus icon

Some time ago, Google introduced their version of social media.  They had seen the success of Facebook and Twitter. They brought out Google+.  It was an instant success with a small group of Google fanatics but not with majority of social media users.

In an attempt to unify of your Google account, they started using the Google+ Profile.   It appeared to be a good idea but no a popular one with many users.  If you wanted a Youtube account, you needed a Google+ Profile so you could utilize your account.  Google overplayed their hand by requiring it.  It appears they have seen the error of their ways.

Google is starting to remove the Google+ Profiles requirement from some of their various Google accounts.  They have already broken Google Photos off from Google+.  According to Google VP of Streams, Photos and Sharing Bradley Horowitz, Youtube will be separated in the near future from requiring a Google+ account to comment, share, and post videos.  Current Youtube account will be able to remove their Google+ Profile at that time.

Horowitz announced that the focus of Google+ will go back to being about social media.  It will be a place to share interests and content with other people.  It will move away from the Google hub for programs like Hangouts.

When Google first announced Google+, it sounded like a fantastic idea.  I am a fan of a lot of what Google does.  But Google+ never took off on its own. When Google tried to cram down on everyone, there was push back against Google+.  I have no idea if Google+ can ever make more inroads into the world of social media.  If they are to make inroads, they have to start building more good will with Google users. The breaking off of the Google+ Profile requirements is a good start.

(Via Tech Crunch)

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