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Captain America: Civil War News

Image via Marvel.com
Image via Marvel.com

According to Comicbook.comCaptain America: Civil War will be about control over the superheroes.  It will not be about secret identities.  The comic series was really about both.

The focus on government control versus personal responsibility and lotus of control.  Can the government be accountable for the out of control heroes?

Iron Man will support the government taking a charge over the heroes.  This is a huge change for Tony Stark from his position in Iron Man 2.  He refused to turn over the Iron Man armor to the government.  He refused to team up with Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. until the Avengers.  The disaster of the Ultron  program shuck him to his core.

Captain America is the All America Boy Scout.  He knows how to take orders and follow the chain of command.  But Cap witnessed what can happen to big government agencies like S.H.I.E.L.D.  They can be taken over by groups like Hydra.

This movie will show how these characters have both gone to the opposite sides of spectrum. They will take positions the other would have a few years ago.  If written and directed well, this movie could be awesome!

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