According to Variety, the deal Marvel made with Netflix to bring their characters to the small screen has a stipulation that the characters cannot appear on tv or in movies for two years from the point of cancellation. This was made with the original 4 series: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist.
Iron Fist was the first Marvel series to be cancelled. It was canceled in mid October. The cancellation of Luke Cage occurred a week later. To everyone’s surprise, Daredevil was cancelled in late November. These three characters could make a return as soon as 2020 for Marvel.
Jessica Jones Season Three is a go for later in 2019. Depending on if it is renewed or cancelled after the third season will determine when her character will be available for non-Netflix screen time.
The Punisher Season Two is about to premiere in January 2019. This series was not a part of the original deal. It is unknown if this character will have the 2 wait after cancellation. It seems more likely that The Punisher would get renewed over Jessica Jones.
We all know that Disney’s streaming service, Disney +, will be a hot bed for their Marvel and Star Wars franchises. Disney has already announced series for characters of Loki, Scarlet Witch, and Falcon and the Winter Solider. Disney + will not be available until the end of 2019.
It is worth speculation that Disney might just bring the whole gang of Netflix Marvel heroes with the same cast to Disney +. These series were putting out a new season for Netflix every 12-18 months. They could contract their casts to be ready to film the series so they can bring these heroes back as soon as possible.
It is also possible they might just move on and reboot these characters in their own new Marvel streaming (via Disney +) universe. I think that would be a shame. The Netflix series have done a great job of developing the characters and the cast. I would hate to see it all thrown away when it could be easily brought into a shared universe.
Let us know what you think? Would you like Disney + to pick up the same casts for these heroes in the new Marvel Streaming universe? Or would you rather see them re-cast it? Or would you rather Disney just focus on other Marvel characters and let these characters sit out for a while?
Stay Geeky My Friends!