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TV Trailer: Constantine

TV Trailer: Constantine

TV Trailer: Constantine
I have to admit it. I am not a fan of the Hellblazer comic book (I know it is heresy for some people). I wasn’t a fan of the underwhelming Constantine movie from a few years ago.  Horror has never been my main geeky obsession.

But on the other hand, I do love television shows like Supernatural and Grimm.  I love a good creepy thriller.  Because of that, I will be tuning in and giving it a chance.

The biggest selling point of this series to me is the brief glimpse of Doctor Fate’s helmet.  I love the bizarre character of Doctor Fate.  He is the biggest magical character in the DC universe but yet he is full of self doubt and fighting to stay in control of himself.  If Doctor Fate is involved, I am sure to stay tuned for this television series.

Stay Geeky My Friends!

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