The day of love is here! ^_^ Cartoons are such an inspiration, so why not in romance as well? I have made lists of my favorite couples for my favorite
Tag: valentine’s day
Top 15 “Bob’s Burgers” Holiday Episodes:
“Bob’s Burger” is such an entertaining show with unique characters, lines that punch your funny bone, but can squeeze your heart as much as flipping his famous burgers. It is
Top Ten Favorite Non-Studio Ghibli Movies that Feature Love:
L is for the way you look at me. O is for the only one I see. And V and E? Well, those stand for ‘VERY EXTRA” because no matter
“Couples” and Medias that Remind me of Val and Jeremey from my “The Hunter and The Bringer” Series:
Happy Valentine’s Day, readers and dreamers! Ah… love…I love love! I am a Disney and fairy tale girl, so I was destined to be a heartfelt, swooning lady. No disappointment
Valentine’s Day and White Day in Japan VS. United States: Culture Lesson:
Valentine’s Day. A day inspired by a man who married people in love in secret, losing his life for the cause. A romantic beginning, huh? Yet, I am blessed for
Love Triangles Where the Girl Has Two Great Choices:
Ah. Valentine’s Day! A Day of love, romance, confessions, and symbols of passion. Deep down, we all yearn for a true love, but what we love even MORE in our