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My Review of Oz-Con 2024:

My Review of Oz-Con 2024:

A community forms, builds, rises, comes together. a common heart, beating as one, its power steaming from every vein. 

I felt this heart sing loudly here at my first Oz Con in West Plains. Missouri. 

The second I arrived, I was welcomed, greeted with warmth, sincere, and vibrant. I couldn’t help but smile immediately and see why this gaming convention is so beloved by many. 

This was my first time being a part of the press at a show and the staff checked on me right away. I felt seen and appreciated. The whole weekend, they have been amazing, from how they all dressed up as Mario characters to be identified (and owning it,) checking on everyone, and being on top of things! 

The venue is plenty big for the space the con needs, but I didn’t feel I would get too lost. Their setup was also easy to navigate and you can tell they knew how to do it. Also, having pretty printed schedule books?! How I missed the days to highlight something tangible. 

Admission was more than fair, making this great for families, the vibe overall was like a classic gamer, but it still was appealing to young ones.

Speaking of the kiddos, seeing the thrill of them seeing Randy the Magic Guy’s shows was completely enchanting, pun a true compliment and sentiment! I was giggling in a timeless wonder, it entertaining for all. How he brought the kids up there and interacted with them was so sweet, the show paced perfectly. It was nice to see him again; he brought a lot of magic to life on stage.

I knew we would be safe from bad ghosts with the Missouri Ghostbusters group. This amazing group has been formed for 15 years, but the brothers have been a fan since birth. Now, they have 40 members. Conventions are a joy for them and they always try to help a charity in need. When I interviewed them, they stated being a cons is a joy because people who have similar interests can find each other and make connections.  For them, seeing the smiles on people’s faces when they bring their collectibles makes them smile, Oz Con a shining place. I asked about what it is like driving their Ghostbuster’s car and they declared how fun it was and that it drives down the roadway better than it should for a car its age!  

One of my favorite aspects of conventions is meeting the guests who have careers that help mold our nerdy happiness. Both Mr. Landon McDonald and Xanthe Huynh were gems, seeing them meet for the first time at our show was amazing, their precious interactions and voice samples they gave to eager audience members and fans in their Q and A electric. Miss Xanthe also provided us with her roaring good-time Mad Libs Skit, her kawaii bubbliness, and energy. You go, chicken nugget! And I found out from them they both star in the dubbed “From Me To You,” which never had a translation in the 11 years it has been out!!! Eeee!

Meeting the fantastic Nerd Informits who support us on GeekyKool and me in turn was a delight. I got a hug first thing and a proper induction ceremony. They were epic to talk to, their love for these events blazing. And man! The chemistry, pacing, smooth voices, wit, creativity, and how they engage with the crowd, all of it, was rocking! I’ve seen a lot of hosts and interviewers at cons (they even brought couches for the guests to interview them,) but they are on the peek of that mountain. 

And if you want amazing cosplay, Oz Con is a pivotal stop for that. All were creative, detailed, passionate, and kind, eager to interact with anyone who came to them about their costume. I was truly impressed! It was an engaging and eye-catching contest. I was smiling from ear to ear and having the grandest times, the audience supportive and as big of stars as any. Seeing another police officer in radical cosplay like my Heroes for Kids family made me glad too, especially since it was Bows-ette! 😉 

And we can’t forget about the vendors! Gemstones, funkos, ice cream, art, stickers, books, dolls, tabletop gear, and more! I definitely got some goodies. 😉  This includes my friend Bre and the photograph, Chris

Oh. And the array of games and competitions one could enter? Mind-blowing! Super Smash Bros, Pokemon, Magic, War Hammer, D and D, and beyond. They had Pokemon and a con scavenger hunt for kids too and seeing them light up when finding one from their paper gives meaning to the community. I did grab one too! Once a Pokemon trainer… 

West Plains was a charming town.  I tried the Japanese restaurant and they were as sweet as mochi ice cream, their motto of high-class taste with small-town kindness fitting.  Some of the best noodles I ever had and it was very well-priced.  I did want to go to the Book Nook., a local bookstore.  I did not get to go, but it is definitely on my list.  And yes, I plan to come back.  ^_^ Hopefully for Oz-Con 2025 and their first Ren Faire in October seems fun.  🙂

You can find four videos on my YouTube HERE!


Stay geeky!


Educator of young minds by day, super nerdy savior of justice, and cute things by night, Morgan Straughan Comnick has a love for turning the normal into something special without losing its essence. Morgan draws from real-life experiences and her ongoing imagination to spark her writing. In her spare time, she enjoys doing goofy voices, traveling to new worlds by turning pages, humming child-like songs, and forcing people to smile with her “bubbliness.” It is Morgan’s mission in life to spread the amazement of otaku/Japanese culture to the world and to stop bullying; she knows everyone shines brightly.

For more information about Morgan and her works, check out her website, which also has links to all her social medias: http://morganscomnick.com


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