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Morgan’s Monthly Manga Musings (March 2024:)

Morgan’s Monthly Manga Musings (March 2024:)

Morgan’s Monthly Manga Musings: “Ima Koi:”


Manga-ka: Ayuko Hatta

Translated by: Shojo Beat (off-branch of VIZ MANGA)

Rating: 13+

Genre: Shojo (girl romance) and school life.

Cover Price: $9.99

Amazon Link Here:

Blurb: Sometimes the greatest romantic adventure isn’t falling in love—it’s what happens after you fall in love!

After missing out on love because she was too shy to confess her feelings, high school student Satomi blurts out how she feels the next time she gets a crush—and it’s to her impossibly handsome schoolmate Yagyu! To her surprise, he agrees to date her. Now that Satomi’s suddenly in a relationship, what next?

Given how fast everything has happened, Satomi is still clueless about how dating is supposed to work. How will she forge ahead in her relationship with Yagyu?”

Morgan’s Musings: Third month of doing these Monthly Manga Musings posts (which I am enjoying; I hope you are too! ^_^) and of course, it is another romance, ha!  It’s like I like shojos or something! 😉  This adorable story is about Satomi, a shy first-year high school girl who missed her chance to tell her crush in middle school she liked him.  Determined to never let that happen again when a handsome man helps her on a crowded train from a groper, she is ready to get to know him and confess she is already falling for him.  Also, to her complete surprise, he agrees to go on dates with her and get to know her to see if this sudden relationship will work! Satomi learns more about Yagyu through their encounters, seeing what type of man he is and what he has endured.

This is a sweet little romance, the blooming of first love.  The relationship starts very fast and I was a tad concerned about that at first, but after the first two chapters, the pacing seemed to fit them and the fluffy tone.  If you ever had a high school love, innocent and new, this story relates to you.  Yagyu is a kind-hearted mysterious guy, but not edgy, which makes him relatable.  How he is adorably sneaky with some of his tenderness with her too… 😉 There is some kawaii hidden comedy too.

Will I Continue?  This is a cute high-school love story and I am curious what will unfold between these two engaging characters.  I like that Satomi, although a nice and timid character, was not afraid to stand up for those she cares about, and I mean in a BA way.  And like I said, Yagyu is so kind.  Their besties are so opposite of each other and I enjoyed their dynamic as well.  Looking forward to learning more about them.  Having good characters is important to a storyline.  I am interested in learning more about their romantic adventures, growth, and precious antics.  Was it anything new?  Not overall, but sometimes endearing is refreshing.

I would like to continue this one.  So far, it has nine volumes. Out of my current three, I would put this as the second most likely (so far) I would like to continue.


Keep reading! Stay geeky! 🙂


Educator of young minds by day, super nerdy savior of justice, and cute things by night, Morgan Straughan Comnick has a love for turning the normal into something special without losing its essence. Morgan draws from real-life experiences and her ongoing imagination to spark her writing. In her spare time, she enjoys doing goofy voices, traveling to new worlds by turning pages, humming child-like songs, and forcing people to smile with her “bubbliness.” It is Morgan’s mission in life to spread the amazement of otaku/Japanese culture to the world and to stop bullying; she knows everyone shines brightly.

For more information about Morgan and her works, check out her website, which also has links to all her social medias: http://morganscomnick.com

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