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Marvel’s Divided We Stand

Image Via I09

The All New All Different Marvel NOW Universe is in the midst of their summer crossover series, Civil War II.  This divide of heroes splits the heroes up into sides once again.  This time it is about stopping crimes and supervillains before they happen.  An Inhuman, Ulysses, can see the future and future events.  Captain Marvel leads the group in favor of stopping the events before they happen with Ulysses’ ability.  Iron Man leads the group against stopping a potential future by imprisoning criminals before they commit the crime.

After the second Marvel Civil War, the Marvel Universe will remain divide.  The heroes will not all be on the same side.  They will not trust each other.

The below image shows the young heroes of Ms Marvel, The Ulitimate Spider-Man, and the young Nova rebelling against the older members.  They show their dissatisfaction with the older heroes by burning their Avengers card.

Image Via I09

The first Marvel Civil War left things a mess with many of the heroes having to remain in hiding for a couple of years.  What will be the ramifications of the second one?  Will they be long term?  Will will see.

(Via I09)

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