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Just a GeekyGirl

Just a GeekyGirl

Hi, GeekyKOOL readers. My name is AJ and I am joining the GeekyKOOL staff. So I thought I would take a moment to introduce myself. I hope to contribute to this wonderful site with my overall strange geeky girl life and point of view. I wish I could tell you what kind of content I specialize in within the realm of the GeekyKOOL world. But I am a hodgepodge of GeekyGirlness (Is that even a word? I guess it is now. Lol).

My interest vary so much that you will never know where the journey will take me. Classic movies to Anime, High Fashion to Cosplay, Video games to LARPing, Classics literature to Comics (I mean comics are classic literature but that is another discussion all together.), TV shows to Theater and everything in between. So many interests so little time! 

So I hope that you will enjoy this journey into my life and point of view that I am about to start to share with you. 

Thanks Larry and the staff of GeekyKOOL for welcoming me. 

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