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Disney Announces Pixar’s The Incredibles 2

Disney made a some wonderful announcements today at their Shareholders meeting in Portland, Oregon.  The announcement that has me that most excited is the much waited for and anticipated sequel to The Incedibles.  The superhero family will be returning from Pixar Animation Studios.  (ComingSoon)

It is unknown if Brad Bird will write and or direct this sequel to his hit animated movie.  He was quoted previously that he would only make a sequel for The Incredibles if it was a great story.  Lets hope that it is a great story and the Bird will head the project.

Disney also announced that Pixar will be developing Cars 3.  This first movie was created inside of Pixar. The sequel was taken over by Disney Studios.  This third movie will return to Pixar to develop and create for Disney.

Stay Geeky My Friends!

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