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1982’s “Blade Runner” was hailed as mind-blowing, stylish science fiction at its best. Its long-awaited sequel, “Blade Runner 2049” while its visually more up-to-date its more of the same 

a slow, dull movie.  I personally am not a fan of Ridley Scotts other earlier film “Alien” either, don’t get me wrong I love the story for both franchises but can’t stand the slow burn pacing.

Here recently, Ford’s been lucky enough to bring back 3 of his most iconic characters: Indy, Solo and now LAPD Blade Runner Rick Deckard. providing a fascinating portrayal of a character reflecting on the actions of his past and his outlook for the future. While Harrison Ford starred in the original he’s more of a 3rd wheel here.

This time Ryan Gosling is front and center in “2049” he plays current LAPD Officer K. 30 years later people still rely Blade Runners – cops who hunt and terminate “replicants” – robots with human characteristics. Like Deckard before him, that’s K’s job. But Gosling is too over the top compared to Ford. The side-by-side of the past and present with these two men is one of the main draws of “2049” and when they do finally meet the movie takes a much needed dramatic turn.

While “Blade Runner” balances story with a dazzling visualization of the hi-tech future, “2049” is less about appearance and nearly all about the humanity of its characters even those who aren’t human. Director Denis Villeneuve (of “Arrival”) keeps the same lukewarm pace and dismal but visually appetizing landscape of the world just like the original.

At 2 hours and 43 minutes,”2049″ is the longest major movie of 2017. Villeneuve scenes develop slowly, in doing so it drags. Cinematography is bold and the soundtrack is powerful and often overwhelming and very distracting.

The supporting cast is dominated by female characters that control Gosling’s K in varying ways. Robin Wright (as police lieutenant Joshi) and Ana De Armas (K’s on-again, off-again girlfriend – you’ll get that when you see the movie) are standouts.

“Blade Runner 2049” is a film about connection. Fans of the original will undoubtedly enjoy it, but me not so much.

Rated R for violence, some sexuality, nudity and language

I give it a C-

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