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WandaVision Hour Long Episodes!!

WandaVision Hour Long Episodes!!

Well fellow geeks and nerds, we are down to the last 3 episodes of WandaVision.

I have looked forward to every Friday with the start of a new episode and as the stories premise a new nod to a decade in TV history.

From the sweet wholesome … 1950s

To the fun yet starting to take a different approach to the world  … 1960s

To the beginning of the colorized tv with strong feminist nods of the 1970s…

To the let’s try to regain the that wholesome family atmosphere of the 50s, welcome to the 1980s….

To the the Malcolm in the Middle type sitcoms where characters break the fourth wall and talk to the audience directly…. the 1990s.

The episodes thus far have been the traditional 30 minute sitcom format, which ruled the American family nightly television for more than 40 decades.  But the last 3 episodes are going to be 1 hour long.

Maybe ushering in the popularity of the late 1990s and 2000s hour long dramas in place of the traditional sitcoms.
Maybe I am just reading too much into it.

I don’t know why but I am definitely for more Wanda and Vision! So bring on the hour episodes.

I am loving this and in all actuality I know it is setting up the new phase of the MCU in Disney’s movies and shows but I would have loved it if we would have seen more of these WandaVision episodes. I would have been happy if each decade could have been its own season. Imagine the fun that would have been.
but what do you think and WandaVision? Let us know and until next time, thanks for reading this GeekyGirlNess!

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