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Saturday @ Wizard World St. Louis


Wizard World St. Louis Comic Con premiered on Friday March 22nd and ran through Sunday March 24th. I was unable to attend Friday’s events. I heard a great report about Friday’s Convention. My friends over at the Dirigible Days had a well attended panel and screen Friday evening.

I arrived at WWSL shortly after the doors open. I found a huge line to get in awaiting to enter this Convention. It was my good fortune that I had a press pass. This enabled me to escape the line and enter through the Press and Special Guest entrance that had no line.  As you can see below, Wizard World granted me the opportunity to be recognized as a member of the press for the first time. C2E2 was the first Con to grant me a press pass but Wizard World was the first Convention I have had a pass for (since C2E2 has not occurred yet).


This is a decent sized Comic Convention. It is not as large as San Diego Comic Con, C2E2, or New York but still larger than many mid sized cons. There were numerous Entertainment guests and comic creators. There was a ton to see and do for a three day convention but I didn’t get to experience it all.

I met numerous cosplayers at Wizard World. They were all extremely nice. Everyone of them were willing to pose for pictures and gave permission for their photos to be included on Geeky KOOL. I will include numerous Cosplay photos in a near future post.

I attended a few panels and discussions on Saturday. It was my honor to host the Geek Girl panel (as the only male panelist).  These ladies rocked the house in St. Louis. We had a full room for our panel and it was last session time of the day- 6 pm.  It was estimated that we had over 200 attendees at the session (about half male and half female attendees).  I will discuss their panel and post the video in a near future post.

I attended a writers panel for the new Lion Forge Comics called Lion Forge Comics Presents: The Writer’s Journey. They discussed the thought process of writing. They focused on the specifics of writing Comic Books. This was an enjoyable session to hear comic book writers discuss the process and requirements of writing comics.

I did attend the Stan Lee presentation. I lined up 30 minutes before his session and the line was already huge. I barely made it in the session. Stan Lee was charming and funny. I laughed heartily during his session. I badly wanted to meet Stan Lee but I was unwilling to shell out the money for a meet and greet or even a photo session.  It is still on my bucket list to meet Stan Lee.

I met several great people during the event.  Some of them were comic creators.  Others were members of various KOOL organizations. I will be giving them shout outs over the next week. I also had a great time with existing friends.

I was unable to attend Sunday’s convention because of weather issues (almost a foot of snow dropped on St. Louis).  I wished I could have had more time at the convention.

Thank you Wizard World for putting on a great Con.

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