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Saturday at Tremendicon

Saturday at Tremendicon

I got the opportunity to attend and cover today at TremendiconTremendicon was a fun local geek convention.  I saw a ton of old friends and made some new friends.

We hung out with our good friend Keith Moncrief of Pop Culture Minefield. As usual, Keith had a ton of immersive information to share about the conditions of Hollywood.  I also saw my good friend Brittney Greer. She is the writer and director of the upcoming film, Halloween.  The old Titans of the Fantastic got to hang out once again for a few minutes.

Of course, the Distinguished Competition was at Tremendicon.  Tim Church and Jamie Bales of the Nerd Informants were in attendance. It is always great to see them both.

Christy Faught has a booth at the convention.  She is keeping up the tradition and selling some of David’s art. She keeps his presence alive in the geek community even after his passing.  We miss you, David, and love you, Christy.

Tom Hutchison of Big Dog Ink is a guest at Tremendicon. I am fanboy of the fantastic writing of Tom and Big Dog Ink.  I count myself lucky to know Tom and for him to know me.

I met the fine folks at Nowhere’s Store of Forgotten Lore at Tremendicon.  This is a new comic/geek store in Springfield, MO.  It will be a full comic shop and game store with room to play games.  I had met some of the staff prior and had a great time getting to know them again.  You can check out their store at 1327 S. Glenstone, Springfield, MO.

I also met the fine folks at I Want to Be a GM.  This group was designed to help TTRPG players learn how to be better player and to become a Game Master.  They have workshops that you can join. They have a wonderful Youtube channel here.  I got the opportunity to play a one shot adventure with them and it was a ton of fun.  These guys are awesome.

Saturday was a ton of fun at Tremendicon.  Tomorrow the doors open at 10 AM.  Come out to the Oasis Convention Center and check out Tremendicon while you can. After tomorrow, they will be gone until next year.

Stay Geeky!

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