Oz Con is this upcoming weekend Friday April 26th – Sunday April 28th, 2019. It will be held a the West Plains Civic Center. This small convention is on their 6th year. It is a gaming, cosplay and anime convention in West Plains, MO. “The convention is hosted by Missouri State University-West Plains Computer Graphics and Programming department as well as the local chapter of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery).” (Oz Con)
If you are into gaming or would like to learn about gaming, this is a great convention for you to attend. They will have MTG, Warhammer, Warmachine, Role Playing games, and more. Last year I saw a ton of people playing various games and having a great time.
Their will be awesome cosplay events going on. This includes Geeky KOOL’s own “Ace” AJ Blanton as one of the Cosplay MC’s. The other MC is Shpoo of Skallywag Productions. This will amazing!
Stay Geeky!