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Now is the time to setup Google’s 2-step verification system!

LloydPlease, nobody take this as an Apple bashing post!  Please?

I’m posting to simply point out that there is a major flaw in the way Apple and Amazon are allowing access to accounts that can basically leave you wide open to a hacker’s attack.  The details are here on Wired and I’m not intending to discuss the process or the problem.

But…  If you use Google’s services there is a way to avoid some of this by building a “roadblock” to your Google account that makes it much harder for a Hacker to get around.

Android Central has a great write up on getting the 2-step process going and you don’t even need an Android phone or device.  You don’t even need a phone if you use the printable code sheets!

Check it out and if you have problems or questions, post them and we will try to help!

(Image courtesy of Android Central…)

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