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Joss Whedon to Write and Direct Avengers 2 and ABC Marvel series

The news is all over the web today. Marvel and Disney has announced that Joss will be back for Avengers 2.   He will write and direct it.  This is great news for fans of Whedon, the Avengers, and all movie goers.  Whedon is given much of the credit for making the Avengers the best movie of the summer (in my opinion).

Joss Whedon signed a three year exclusive deal with Marvel studio.  Avengers 2 will keep Joss very busy.  But this deal also includes a television series for ABC in the Marvel Universe.  The rumors around the web for weeks has been for S.H.I.E.L.D. series or some other close tie in with the Avengers without the Avengers characters.  May I suggest the Great Lake Avengers or at least have them show up during this series.  That would be just too FUN.

Alright DC, how are you going to compete with a Whedon lead Marvel movie and TV universe?  Have you considered bring in J.J. Abrams?  He might be able to compete with Whedon’s vision.

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