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Happy Star Wars Day- May the Fourth Be With You


Today is May the Fourth but also know as Star Wars Day.  May the Fourth Be With You was first coined by by the British.  “The phrase dates back to at least 1979, on the day Margaret Thatcher was elected Britain‘s first woman prime minster. Her party took out a newspaper ad in the London Evening News that said “May the Fourth be with you, Maggie. Congratulations.” (Wookiepedia)

I know today is opening day for the Avengers movie. Don’t be so caught up in the hype for the Avengers movie to forget your love for Star Wars.  Tell those around you “May the Fourth Be With You”. If you get a chance, sit down and re-watch the Trilogy (the original one).  Play with your kids lightsabers (or your own).  Remind your friends to celebrate Star Wars Day or Do Not.  “No. Try Not. Do or Do Not. There is no Try.”

Look for more KOOL Star Wars posts at the day go on.

May the Fourth Be With YOU.

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