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Happy Independence Day 2017

We at Geeky KOOL would like to wish a Happy Independence Day to all of our readers in the U.S.A.  This is the day where we celebrate the Declaration of Independence from the Tyranny of a Monarch and taxation without representation.  The freedoms we celebrate enable us to have a fun geeky website.

In the United States, we seem to become more divided along politics and ideology every year. This year, let us set aside our differences for a day or two and celebrate being a part of this great country where we can disagree with each and with our government without fear of harm to ourselves or our families.  We are free to express our differences but we are also free to celebrate our unity in celebration of our country.  We are united while being different individuals and that makes our country great.  

Enjoy the day of celebrating, parades, fireworks, cooking out, and eating great grilled foods.  It is a day of waving flags and celebrating our love for our country.  It is a day rich in tradition with family and friends.  Take a moment to reflect on the freedoms we have.

Be careful with your fireworks if you are setting them off. Please be considerate of others.  Some people are very sensitive to fireworks like many of our veterans.  Pets often hate all of the fireworks.  Remember that tomorrow is a work day for many people around the nation.  You can express your freedom while being considerate to others.


Stay Geeky my Friends!

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