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Gotta Get Back In Time!

Gotta Get Back In Time!

Oh, Nostalgia, I stab at thee.  Countless hours I have wasted with little moments of trying to relive or memorialize the past.  I think this soul-wrenching bond to yesteryear is some of what makes all geeks, well, geeky.  We have held dear to the things we have enjoyed from pop culture throughout our youth into adulthood and recognize them as a part of us. Sometimes slaves of this unseen force are so awesome as to recognize the greatness of other eras from which they did not derive and become multi-generational geeks.  So, when I came across a link which sent me to this conjurer of hypnosis for times gone by, I considered it best I should probably share with others.

Youtube video creator “thepeterson” has recently began creating nostalgic trip videos which look back at a single year of music, movies, television, video games, and some newsworthy events.  I do not usually fall for these horribly sliced together mashups but this one ended up making me stick around for the mere amount of material which has been crammed into its timeframe using a sort of remix method.  Only from a few months of practice, each video improves over the last and there is supposed to be even more to come.  What is even better, “thepeterson” posts that the videos may be changed or updated based on youtube comments.  Also, for the years not yet finished, participation is being asked for voting on which years should be done next and what bits of nostalgia should be included.  What a great opportunity to contribute with that KOOL thing you remember so well from your past!

You can pick the year and add your suggestions for the videos at the fairly sparse although slick little website http://remembervideos.blogspot.com.

Currently there are videos for years 1986, 1990, 1997, 1999, and 2002 with all the ones listed at the website promised eventually.  I thought perhaps I should link to the video which would be most familiar to this site’s demographics, but decided just to start at the first one.  Who can’t love the 80’s?!  For anyone too young, see what is familiar and what you can figure out from what is not.  For those who can remember…yes, you are getting old, so sit back and enjoy doing the time warp!

Can you guess which one is my favorite year?

2 thoughts on “Gotta Get Back In Time!

  1. Hey! I am not getting old. Just because I remember how the 80’s rocked doesn’t make me old. 🙂

    Thanks for posting this and calling me old.

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