This is the second film in the last phase of Vance Major Owens tale of Erik Minard. This is a “one room” set piece and the lack of set variety does not hinder this short film. The addition of “classic” Trek Sound FX and even the classic computer voice from TOS(the original series for you non trekkies) are a welcome addition.
Like all of the Minard films this one is NOT in a chronological order(something Vance has done on purpose), while this can make things confusing, it doesn’t take away from the films in any way. This film focuses on how people who have a common goal work together. We do get to see some familiar faces, as Gary Davis plays a big part of this film. We also get a nice view of a familiar fan film vessel which is central to the story.
The end of this film is a nice piece of “slight of hand”, and was not the expected ending I was looking for. It left me pondering “what is Minard up to”? It also leave me wondering if Minard will tie up all the loose ends in a way that is both satisfying, and unexpected. I say unexpected because if there is one thing I have learned in the past year, Vance will push the envelope, not only because it will drive the story forward, backward and even sideways……but because he loves leaving us with a mystery.
Another solid effort by Vance and his team of co stars. This film will be released on 1/12/18.