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Geeky KOOL Presents: Next Gen Role Players Ep. 7 – Goblin Cave Part 1

Geeky KOOL Presents: Next Gen Role Players Ep. 7 – Goblin Cave Part 1

Join our young adventurers as they continue on their journey navigating the world of D&D for the first time. Azana Brooknay, Noenark Erangel, TeraNix, and Yorrinn Drilmac have just begun their quest. This week, the group find their way to a cave where they goblins went. They miss the cave at first but when they find it, they go a little Batty.

Watch and listen as DM Larry Litle teaches 9 to 14 year olds how to play D&D. From character building to learning just how to role play, these kids are about to begin the adventure of a life time.

Stay Geeky!

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