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Cosplay Meet Ups at Missouri Comic Con

Cosplay Meet Ups at Missouri Comic Con

Missouri Comic Con is only a few days away.  Above is the schedule for the various cosplay meet-ups for this weekend’s convention.  Most major fandoms are represented with this calendar.

Saturday will have the following cosplay meet-ups:
12:00 PM Demon Slayer
1:00 PM Disney
2:00 PM Marvel 
3:00 PM Genshin
4:00 PM Chainsaw Man

Sunday will have the following cosplay meet-ups:
12:00 PM Star Wars
1:00 PM Ghostbusters 
2:00 PM Marvel
3:00 PM DC
4:00 PM Dragon Ball

I can see a few fandoms that are left off the list like Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Walking Dead, and ect.  Don’t let a lack of meet-ups discourage you from dressing up.

Here is the list of Cosplay rules for Missouri Comic Con.  You can also sign up for the Cosplay contest.

Stay Geeky!

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