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Rublecon Is Coming…Sunday!

Attention geeks of all sorts.  This upcoming Sunday September 6th is Rublecon in Springfield, MO.  Held at the University Plaza Convention Center in downtown Springfield.  There will be a little of everything for fans of all ages.  It is only $5 to attend.  Free Admission for those 12 years old and younger.

If you are a Cosplayer, you don’t want to miss out of the contest.  There is $500 in cash and prizes given out for the Cosplayer contest. There will be a contest for children and for adults.

Come out and meet local comic book creators.  There will be a host of artists to see.  Get comics signed and a special sketch from regional artists.

Looking to pick up that special comic issue?  Need to find that toy to complete the set?  These vendors are eager to help you.

The plan is for Geeky KOOL to cover this event.

Stay Geeky My Friends!

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