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Star Trek Into Darkness-International Trailer

Star Trek Into Darkness-International Trailer


The new International trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness was released today and boy is it dark. We finally get to see the nasty side of of Benedict Cumberbatch’s villain John Harrison. I am thrilled to see that he might be more of an original character than an updated version of Khan. He is a man bent on revenge and is willing to go to great lengths to achieve his goals. The trailer reveals that he is a turncoat agent from Starfleet and a formidable foe.

It will be interesting to see how Carol Marcus fits in this version of the story without the Khan focus. I am thinking it will be as a love interest “how they met” sort of thing. I never cared for her character in the previous films but this could be good. The only thing that has me on edge is the whole Kirk/Spock/Uhura theme that I am noticing in the trailers. Where is Bones? He is my favorite character and I am going to be very disappointed if he is kicked out of the big three in favor of Uhura. Not digging her new characterization at all.

So after watching the trailer… What are you looking forward to most and least about the upcoming film?

2 thoughts on “Star Trek Into Darkness-International Trailer

  1. Completely agree on the Bones/Uhura thing. Do not like the new Uhura. Karl Urban is such a great casting move as Bones that he needs to be more prominent.

    As for looking forward to and least looking forward to….Benedict Cumberbatch.

    I think he’ll make one hell of a formidable opponent. And the negative…they’ll probably kill him off and we’ll only get to see his mastermind once.

    1. Karl Urban is the best reboot version. Have you read the lead up comic series? It gives a few more clues about the movie.

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