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Happy’s Father Day

Image via EW.com
Image via EW.com

Here at Geeky KOOL, we want to take a moment to honor all the Fathers out there.  As a Father myself, I realize how difficult and wonderful it is to be a Dad.

Every day as a dad, I desire to be a great father to my children.  I want to be a balance of the type of father that teaches my two kids to grow into morally sound and productive adults with a type of dad that likes to have fun and play with his children.  I try to balance setting a standard of behavior with lots of grace for their mistakes.  I show my children unconditional love and acceptance while also disciplining them when they need it. This is so difficult to do but it is what I strive to do.

I look at all of my faults and short comings and wonder if I can ever be the type of father I want to be.  I make a ton of mistakes.  Sometimes I don’t listen but react to what is going on.  I have learned to sit my children down and tell them that I was wrong and I am sorry.  I hope this teaches them how to do the same in their other relationships.

Of all of the roles I have in life, being a father is one of my favorite things. Even when my children are bickering and fighting and driving me up a wall, I still love this role. I am so grateful that I get the opportunity to be a father to my children.  I often don’t feel worthy to be a dad but grateful.

Happy Father’s Day to all of the Dads out there.  Not all Dads have natural children but can be a father to step children, foster kids, adopted children, and kids they mentor. I have seen men be dads that have no ties to the children other than a desire to help them.  I hope all of you Dads have a wonderful day and a Happy Fathers Day to my Dad, Gerry Litle.

Stay Geeky My Friends!

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