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10 Worst Geeky KOOL Fictional Mothers

After putting together Sunday’s list of Best Geeky KOOL Fictional Mothers on Sunday, I thought maybe I should follow it up with a list of the 10 Worst. There are a ton of Possible bad Moms out there for geek fiction.  take a look at the list and let me know what you think.

10 Worst Geeky KOOL Fictional Mothers

10)  Eloise Hawking (LOST)
Ellie was the former leader of the Others on LOST island and caretaker of the Lamp Post. She is the mother of Daniel Faraday.  Eloise pressures and pushes her son into theoretical physics. She does this knowing that he will successfully learn to time travel.  When he ends up back in time on LOST island, an early version of Ellie will shoot him to death.  Push your child just so you can kill him in the past is pretty twisted but only is # 10 on our list.

9) Queen Bavmorda (Willow)
The Queen is afraid of a prophecy about girl who will lead to the overthrow of the Queen’s evil kingdom. She has all the girl babies killed but the child Elora Danan escapes.  Bavmorda sends her daughter, Sorsha, to find and kill the baby. Sorsha eventually realizes the insanity of this mission and her mother (and falls in love with Madmartigan). She tries to discuss this with Queen Bavmorda. The Queen tries to kill her own daughter. Being willing to kill your daughter so you can kill a baby to keep your power is pretty evil.

8) Margaret White (Carrie)
Carrie was conceived by marriage rape when Margaret threw Ralph out of the house and he came back drunk. Margaret is a member of an extreme religious group. Margaret abused Carrie from infanthood and threaten to kill Carrie as a witch (stopped by Ralph) when Carrie’s abilities first appeared. Often Margaret would put Carrie in a closet to punish and have her pray for forgiveness. Margaret even tries to kill Carrie after she destroys the school. Is there any wonder that Carrie went crazy and destroyed the school.

7) Irina Derevko (Alias)
Where to start? You fake your own death and leave your six year old daughter to be raised by her father the spy. You do this because you are a Russian sleeper agent of the KGB. You turn yourself in at the CIA and help your daughter, husband, and the CIA bring down SD6 but you have a secret agenda and do betray their trust once again. Numerous times you lie to your daughter, betray her, and even shoot her (maybe in an attempt to kill her).  All along you string along her emotions and her mother issues to benefit your twisted plans for money and power.

6) Sally Jupiter (Watchmen)
Sally was the first “Silk Spectre” in the Minutemen.  She was nearly raped by fellow hero the Comedian and then later forgave him and bore his love child, Laurie. She then pushed her daughter and hounded her into becoming the second Silk Spectre.  She was constantly drunk and fighting her own demons.  She had little time for her daughter except to live vicariously through her.

5) Evil Stepmom (Cinderella)
The Evil Stepmom is a classic. She marries a rich guy and never fully accept his daughter. He mysteriously dies. Now the daughter is treated as a slave in her former home. The Stepmom wastes all the money the father had saved up.  All the staff have to be let go and the accomidations of the home continue to be sold off to pay for the Step Mom and her daughters to live high on the hog. Did I mention how the Step Mom allowed her daughter to continually bully and take advantage of poor Cinderella?

4)   Mystique (Raven Darkhölme/Marvel Comic/X-Men)
She has three children that are messed up because of her. She had a love child with Sabrethooth and gave him up for adoption but came back for him. Once she found out he was not a mutant, she abandoned him.  Creed became the leader of the Friends of Humanity, an anti-mutant group because he hates both of his parents.  Mystique also had another child but had to abandoned Nightcrawler (Kurt). Kurt is the most normal of all three.  Finally she adopted Rogue at age 4.  She uses Rogue in her criminal activities until Rogue accidently absorbs too much of Ms Marvel and Ms Marvel’s mind is stuck in hers. So Rogue turns to Professor Xavier but Mystique attack the X-Men because of this.

3) Endora (Bewitched)
Some people think they have witch for a mother in law but Darrin Stephens really has one. Endora cannot stand the fact that her daughter Samantha married a mortal. Endora continually makes trouble for Darrin (on a weekly basis). Samantha is between loving her mother and putting up with all the foolishness and spells that Endora casts on Darrin. Endora still does not accept Darrin no matter how much Samantha sticks by him.

2) The Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff/Marvel Comics/Avengers/X-Men)
Here is a messed up mother. She has all sorts of daddy issues with Magneto and he had her (and her brother) in his band of Evil Mutants (great father). She gave up the bad life and became an Avenger. She married an android, The Vision, and they had kids, William and Thomas (done by a magic amulet). Her sons were reverted into fragments of the demon lord Mephisto‘s soul and effectively ceased to exist (some believe the children were only in her imagination). Wanda goes crazy and eventually casts a spell on herself to make her forget her children. Wanda’s chaos magic dissolves her thin sanity. She creates her own reality and depowers most mutants and causes no more mutants to be born. Later it is discovered that Young Avengers members Thomas Shepherd (Speed) and Billy Kaplan (Wiccan) are new incarnations of Wanda’s children, William and Thomas. Wanda might not had been a bad mother but she was crazy as can be and you never know if she was going to cause you to no longer exists.

1)  Evil Queen (Snow White)
Yes the Evil Queen comes in #1.  Every incarnation of her is terrible from the Disney Cartoon to the Grimm Tales (in the original edition of the tale the Queen was her natural mother) to Once Upon A Time.  She hates Snow because Snow is better looking than the Queen. She has her hunted down. When this fails and Snow disappears, the Queen finds her and then tries to kill her with an apple. Most parents hope for better things for their children (even step children) but not the Queen.  If she can’t be the best looking, she will kill whoever is even her own step daughter.


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